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May Brew

Epithet: Wartime munitions worker

Record type: First World War Biographies

Biography: Mary Brew, who was known through her life as May, grew up in Douglas, the daughter of a hairdresser. In the early part of the First World War there was no munitions work on the Isle of Man and so May and a number of other girls volunteered to go to England to work in factories there. She was employed at Coventry Ordnance Works, making artillery shells. The pay was very good, and for young girls living away from home for the first time there was a sense of freedom. However the work was also dirty and dangerous, and Coventry was subjected to German air raids in which the factory would be plunged into darkness until the danger had passed. (Image ref: PG/13708/2).

Gender: Female

Name Variant: Eslick, May


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